Submitted on Wed, 03/22/2023 - 17:34

The H2ELIOS project, which stands for HydrogEn Lightweight & Innovative tank for zerO-emisSion aircraft, is a new 4-year Clean Aviation research project focused on low-pressure LH2 storage technologies in aviation. The project was launched with a kick-off meeting in Madrid, Spain in January 2023. 

H2ELIOS brings together twelve project partners from 8 countries and is being led by ACITURRI. The project will focus on creating a low-pressure double-layer composite tanks-based system that will be integrated into the fuselage of aircraft. 

The new LH2 storage system will feature a novel design that uses a combination of advanced technologies to reduce the weight of the tank structure while providing better protection against rupture under crash landing. The system will integrate an inner tank composite that uses additive manufacturing technology with Fused Pellets fabrication, which will provide a lightweight and durable solution for LH2 storage. 

The H2ELIOS project is being funded by the HORIZONT EUROPE - CLEAN AVIATION programme and will focus on several key areas of research and development, including additive manufacturing, multimaterial systems, thermoplastic composites, coating technology, and materials under extreme conditions. 

Overall, the H2ELIOS project has the potential to revolutionize LH2 storage in aviation by providing a lightweight, conformal, and durable solution that meets the needs of modern aircraft. With the support of the HORIZONT EUROPE - CLEAN AVIATION programme and a range of academic and industry partners, the project is well-positioned to achieve its goals and bring about a new era of LH2 storage in aviation.